To Grandma Cheryl,
Just wanted to drop you a short note to thank you for my absolutely perfect babies. Jabari turned 10 months today and it's been simply amazing to watch him grow from 14lbs to 90lbs and develop into such a wonderful puppy. As you know, I had been involved in other breeds (mainly terriers) for most of my life and made the decision to change a while back. I didn't think I could ever find another breed to replace my love and admiration for Sealyhams. After doing much research, I decided the Ridgeback was the choice for me. Finding a breeder in Northern California was not a pleasant task. Of the five I contacted, only one had the courtesy to call me back. Quite the contrary with you, within minutes of emailing we were on the phone discussing what I was looking for and what puppies you had coming available.
I have to admit, I was very leery purchasing a puppy from someone I had never formally met or had any prior dealings. You hear the horror stories of puppy mills and backyard breeders. As the big day approached, my fears begin to disseminate as we spoke more frequently on the phone and you emailed updated pix. Then on that magical morning of June 1, I knew I had made the right decision. Jabari arrived, and every day since has evolved around this wonderful Rhodie. He went everywhere with me and stole a thousand hearts along the way. He was such an incredible addition to my household, that I began contemplating a second one.
Everyone thought I was crazy to want two puppies at one time, except you. We spoke several times on the phone about the optimal time to bring another home, then one day in August you emailed me picks of Miah and I fell in love all over again. I was hesitant to make the final decision as she was a bid older (a whole 12 weeks), but I'll never forget you saying to trust you, that she would be the perfect fit, old enough to stand her ground with a clumsy and awkward little boy (who was up to 50lbs at 4 ½ mos). She arrived 2 days later and there hasn't been a single moment of regret. I honestly feel I have the two most incredible Rhodies around.
They complement each other in every way. Miah has been the ideal puppy. She was practically house trained when she arrived, and everything since has been instantaneous with her. She is the biggest love bug around, and gets along with everyone and everything (human or animal). Her nickname is Princess Miah, as she carries herself with such an elegance, yet she'll put Jabari on his back faster than you can blink.
As soon as they each hit 6 months, I began showing them in AKC events. Both won their first puppy class, and continue to do so repeatedly. No matter where we go, people stop us to tell say how beautiful they are. Even other Ridgeback owners comment on their sweet dispositions and gorgeous looks. Both babies are in obedience training, and although Rhodies are known for being difficult to train, they continue to excel ahead of the class. Trainers and other students alike are amazed at how fast they both learn and perform. Sure, there are difficult times-like when they think they are smarter than mom, but I can't imagine a single day without these babies. They have totally taken over my life and I'm loving every moment.
I look forward to getting home at night to be with them and enjoy waking up every morning to their snuggling. It's also very comforting to know that you are only a phone call away. Whenever someone gets into a new breed, there are a zillion questions, and having you so readily available and willing to help has been great. I proudly hand out your business cards. I remember one family in particular who had just lost their Ridgeback and was getting disgruntled talking to breeders up here. They couldn't find any puppies they liked. Then they saw Jabari at one of the shows and couldn't wait to get home to contact you. I think that's the best testament to your breeding program, when other Ridgeback people want one just like mine.
Kimberly , Jabari and Miah

Dear Cheryl,
I would just like to thank you for the wonderful addition to our family. I am so grateful to you for walking me through all the different aspects of the RR breed, and for your patience in answering all of my hundreds of questions! Your depth of knowledge is truly impressive, as is your commitment to the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed! I have since read every piece of information I can get my hands on, and over and over, I find the same answers that you gave me in the first place.
Diamond is truly a gem in every aspect. She is always really playful and fun, yet ALWAYS extremely careful with my four young children. She is protective, cautious, and loyal, yet always friendly and respectful with our guests. I am sure that most people feel biased about their own dog, but all of my friends, the dog instructor, and even my vet agree that she is extremely smart, obedient, and gorgeous, and most of all healthy and happy!
I love that you keep in touch with me for updates of Diamond and any questions that I may have regarding this breed. I would encourage anyone looking for a quality dog, and a perfect companion to contact you, and would be happy to speak to anyone on your behalf. I feel very fortunate and lucky to have done business with you. You have been completely helpful, trustworthy, professional, and honest, and I will certainly recommend you to anyone looking for a great dog.
I look forward to adding another Lionhounds puppy to our family sometime soon!
Delys Esparza

Dear Cheryl,
These last couple of years have passed so quickly and now Kalie is almost three years old. I just want to let you know that she has become the best companion that any family or individual could ever hope for. As you know I became paralyzed from the waste down not long after she came to live here due to a back injury, and the recovery period has been a long and arduous journey. I can honestly say that if it were not for this great and courageous breed of dogs I would have not been able to make it thru the painful rehab period. She was there when I had to lay in bed, she was there when I took my first few steps, she was there when I walked may first mile, and when I was able to walk/run five miles a day she was there for every step. She has been my exercise partner, my coach, my motivation, and a true blessing.
When I came to see you the first time I shared with you that I wanted to get a good dog to show and even though you were reluctant to part with her I left there that day with Kalie in the back seat of my truck. Here we are a few years later and Kalie has her first show the end of this month. The pictures of her say it all she is beautiful, and has the mind and manners to match. You will be the first to know how she does in the show ring. I just want to say thanks for you encouragement to get out there and hit the ring. But to be honest it does not matter how she does. There are not enough banners, championships, ribbons or medals in this world to equal the joy and love she unconditionally gives each and everyday.
I have a number of friends who have purebred dogs of one breed or another and when they meet Kalie they are amazed at how great of a dog she is, and while I know that the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a great breed. I consider myself very fortunate to have met you in my search for the perfect companion animal for me. A breed of dog is only as good as the breeders who sell and promote the breed and Cheryl you are the best, no doubt about it.
Wayne Ashabraner
San Antonio Texas

Dear Lionhounds,
I would like to thank you for the new addition to our family, Titan Nelson-Cook. The process was painless from beginning to end. We gave a deposit, and in the mean time, received pictures while we waited for him to be flown out to Denver. The shots were up to date and the information to register Titan was attached to his kennel. It was simple.
Titan is going to be 5 months old on February 23rd, 2007. He is house trained. Ridgebacks are very smart which made the house training simple. Titan also has a trainer that has been working with him since November 2006. He is flying through his training classes. Don't get me wrong, Titan still has his puppy mischievousness, but the mischief part is very controllable. His best friend is a 10 year old rottweiler. I guess that would prove Titan also socializes great with other dogs. He is also around my nephew who is almost 2 years old and is very gentle to say the least.
Thanks again for such a wonderful addition to our family.
Molly Nelson
Denver, Colorado

Dear Cheryl,
We are all in love! Lucy is very attached to me which is good for me and bad for my husband! She and Mandy are great pals. Mandy is "training" her in the ways of doghood at the Nemmers house. They are the best of buds now even eating out of the same bowl! Lucy and the friendly cat are beginning to play. Right now they are sleeping in the chairs in my office (she snores pretty loud) and often sleep within a couple of feet of each other on the bed. Yes, she sleeps with us! She is quite the baby. I probably need to get a little stricter with her. I plan on enrolling in "people" (puppy) school soon.
Needless to say, I want another one! I can see how you have fallen in love with this breed. She is quite the snuggler! Everyone who meets her (and she does want EVERYONE to meet her) comments on how beautiful she is. I can't tell you how happy I am that we bought her through you. What fabulous blood lines, personality and intelligence! Both you and the dog! LOL! I will send you pictures soon. We would love to be on the website. I would be one of your best salespersons!

Hi Cheryl!
Zuri (Midra/Raffikki pup) is doing great she is about 90 lbs. She is so much fun and has tons of energy. She loves to go for long hikes in the hills and she loves to chase the cows! It's really cute. Her and the cat sometimes get along. They chase each other by day and cuddle at night. She is happiest at night when we sit down to watch a movie and even though she is 90 lbs, she loves to be in the middle. Zuri has completed a beginners and an intermediate dog training program she even did agility training and loved every minute of it. Even though she is more stubborn than any person I know, she has been fantastic to train. She learned everything so fast, and we would just practice, practice, practice and now it is starting to pay off. She used to be a bit of a wild child and even though she is still a puppy she is pretty well behaved/trained. As a compliment to you there was a breeder bringing one of her dogs to the classes and she just could not get over Zuri and how beautiful she was and especially liked her coat. Also, we go on walks/runs 2x a day and there has not been a day that we have not received compliments on what a beautiful dog she is, we actually had one lady track us down on one of our walks just to stop and see Zuri and asked us a lot of questions, but I can't tell you how many times I have told people about you and directed them to your web site. Zuri has probably traveled more than most dogs too. She flew to Wisconsin, has been to the ocean, camped on the beach, hiked in Yosemite and camped, been all over Northern California hiking trails. She makes us keep busy and we couldn't love a dog any more than her, thank you so much for her!!!! We have had a great experience with Lionhounds and Zuri!
Jenny McCulley

Dear Cheryl~
I wanted to write to give you an update on our babies. This June will be 3 years that we purchased Nilla from you. She is the most gentle and well behaved dog that both my husband and I have ever owned. Her demeanor and grace are unbelievable! Nilla and I are a registered therapy team and we visit nursing homes and rehab centers. All the patients talk about how gentle she is and all discuss her ridge. Most of the people in these centers have never experienced a ridgeback before.
Last year while searching the web to show coworkers exactly what a ridgeback was and I came across a picture with a face that I couldn't deny! Coincidentally, the picture was of a puppy that you had rescued and taken in. We flew her to VA and named her Angel. Although she is a puppy and drives us crazy sometimes, she too has turned out to be a wonderful dog! They both get along well and are best friends!!
Thanks for 2 amazing dogs and I am always giving out your website for people to view.
Thanks Again,
Doug & Debbie Gwinn

Dear Cheryl,
I can't believe that it has been 2 years since we got her but I just wanted to fill you in on our beautiful girl, Skylla. She is fabulous and we couldn't have asked for more in a dog then what she is.
Skylla, of course, is spoiled rotten and we have rearranged out lives to ensure that she is with us. Realizing quickly from how fast she was growing, a car wasn't quite big enough for her so we bought a Nissan Xterra which is more her size. She's got a cute set up with a pillow, built in water bowl, cookie dispenser, and everything else a dog could desire. The truck lets her go everywhere with us and absolutely loves to go for rides.
We have gotten ourselves into a great routine and Skylla seems to know exactly what we do each day. We go shopping once a week to an all organic dog treat specialty shop where we get her favorite cookie... peanut butter soft chew wafers. We also go to the beach quite often where we can let Skylla run and chase the waves. It's unbelievable how fast she flies running along the shore. Most the time after the beach, she comes home and jumps into the shower. She knows that it is bath time and loves water. Once in a while she goes for a ride in Grandpa's car (a Porsche Convertible) and she just loves it. She drools all over it, but she's so cute and excited when she can go.
We do keep her active daily in her yard with a basketball that she stole from a neighbor and popped. We play soccer and keep away which keeps her fit. Skylla also visit's a niece and 3 nephews who she just loves. The 3 year old adores Skylla and she just sits there, licks him, and "vacuums" up after him. She plays football with the 9 year old nephew and Slip N Slide with the 5 year old. The niece just sits and watches movies with her. The all just love her and still call her "The puppy named Skylla."
Skylla weighs 98lbs and her back is almost level with my waist. She's completely trained and allows US to sleep in our California King size bed HER. She also has her own leather couch (which is a love seat) and when she lays on it, takes up the entire thing. She does have a sister, an orange tabby names Row-ule.
We couldn't get her a real lion so we got the next closest thing. They are so funny together. They have their moments but usually nap together. She is the greatest and unbelievably smart. Skylla watches TV. We watch National Geographic and usually have lion specials where they watch prides surviving the heat of summer. When the lions roar, she looks at the TV, cocks her head to the side, growls, and then goes crazy. It was absolutely hilarious so we went and bought her a 52 inch flat screen plasma to make the lions life size for her.
For Christmas, Santa got her a new lion stuffed animal. A princess food and water bowl set, and a platinum and pink diamond (which are shaped like a dog bone) collar. It's so beautiful on her.
I just want to thank you for choosing us for her parents. She is awesome, we love her dearly, and spoil her rotten. Skylla makes us smile everyday and really completes the family. Just wanted you to know that we are taking great care of her and thank you again.
Have a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Skylla's Mom and Dad
A.K.A. Tressa and Tyler King
Dear Cheryl,
I researched breeders of Ridgebacks in my local area and was eventually disappointed with the quality of animals they had for sale, and especially the professionalism of most breeders. I was a breeder myself many years ago of a different dog breed, so I knew what to look for from someone in the dog business. Over the internet I learned about Lionhounds in Texas. They offered excellent individuals exactly suited to my needs. I wanted the highest show quality (my family calls me a dog snob) but I know the purchase price of any animal is not the total cost of dog ownership.
When I considered the value of my investment of love and time in any dog in my care, and I add the actual expenses for food, vet care, grooming, dog sitting when I am away from home, food supplements which are always necessary, dog dentistry, and so much more, I knew Lionhounds offered me an exceptional bargain in the two females they sold me. Lionhounds passed my tests of them with flying colors, and I must have passed their tests for possible buyers, because they shipped me two wonderful individuals.
I live with my dogs so their temperament and disposition is far more important than their looks or breeding. The two girls I got from Lionhounds have everything I was looking for. They are beautiful, they are intelligent, they are full of curiosity, they crave love and human contact, and they began trying to please me within the first day we were together. They are brave and inspire praise from everyone including my vet and the people who work for me. I told you I was a dog snob so this type of admiration is part of owning a quality pet.
I will be pleased to talk with anyone who contacts me about their hopes with dog ownership. Ridgebacks are huge, powerful dogs with big demands for attention and care. They do repay their costs of ownership many times over better than any breed I have learned about. Lionhounds Rhodesian Ridgebacks produce exceptional healthy dogs with exceptional loving temperaments and is a leader for this breed. Lionhounds has been as professional as any dog breeder I have met in my nearly forty years experience with registered canines.
George Thomas,

Dear Cheryl,
My experience with Lionhounds has been wonderful and Dakota is one of the sweetest dogs I have had. He was everything promised and it was a pleasure dealing with Lionhounds!
Gary and Dakota

Hi Cheryl,
Pumba and Midra mind SO WELL. All I have to do is yell there name and say COME and they instantly return to me. They have so much more fun on their walks when they dont have to have leashes. They are both SQUIRREL hunters, and are very protective of the property and the office. They are a great joy to have around.
They BOTH love to sleep with me at night. Midra comes right up and cuddles and puts her head right on a pillow while Pumba gets jealous and eventually shoves her out of the way and lays along side me with his head almost on mine. He is still such a puppy !!
They are both well fed -- getting nothing but the best food and now they see a groomer at least every other month -- they both just LOVE the attention. What a couple of hams !!! They get all prettied up and get new bandanas to wear and think they are just the (lion) kings !! Which, of course, they are.
Anyways, they are both LOVED by all who meet them (my clients LOVE them) and we wouldn't part with them for the world !! I feel like you're part of our family now and hope that all is going well with you and the rest of the Lionhounds !!
Take care, thank you, and God bless.
Brian Goolden.
Dear Cheryl,
How do I begin to thank you for bringing Obi (A MOST BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF AN ANIMAL INTO MY LIFE)? Well, let me start by saying thank you for your patience, your kindness, and your understanding. All of the countless hours you spent talking with me on the telephone. The hundreds of questions I kept on asking and thought I was done, but still kept on asking, and you always had the time for me. Thank you! Your website is so impressive to me, just as you are. Your knowledge, your professionalism, your honesty, your caring and above all, being a wonderful Christian woman. Hats off to you Cheryl. It's hard to believe that Obi will be a year old this April 1st., and that I have had him for 8 months. He is truly my special companion. If it wasn't for you Cheryl, I would not have been blessed by his loving presence. On March 21ST Obi graduated from his advanced training class and we will continure on in May for further training. As I told you I am training Obi to be a therapy dog and I cannot wait till Obi can put a smile on someone's face whether it be in a hospital or nursing home like the smile everyone tells me I wear now. Everytime I go to your website Obi loves to see the pictures of you and your family. He knows that I am writing this letter and asked if he could say a few words to his first Mommy.
Cheryl, It's Obi here and I love you too and I love my new home in New Jersey. I have lots of fun here going to the dog park and playing with other dogs. I think in May, I'm going to be going to puppy day care 1 day a week. A place called Camp Bow Wow. I have 4 siblings here and they are all cats. One is 20 yesrs old and she is as big as my head. In November last year she lost one of her front legs. Me ,Mommy and little Noon slept in the bed together. Ilove to ride in Mom's truck. Mom takes me everywhere with her. She says it's my truck now because I don't fit in Moms PT Cruiser anymore. I'm a BIG BOY now. I weigh 112LBS. I hope Mom will let me write to you again soon. I will NEVER FORGET YOU. XOXOXOXO