#2 RR in the Nation for 2007 - Africa Imported
"Raffikki died while residing at Lionheart Rhodesian Ridgebacks in San Antonio, TX. The cause of death was NEVER RESOLVED. Raffikki will be missed and was very loved by the Lantz's. Raffikki was imported from Danntrig Rhodesian Ridgebacks by Cheryl Lantz. He was a fabulous representation of the breed. It was a joy to raise him and show him to his Grand Championship and his Top Ten achievement. We have his wonderful offspring to continue his wonderful progeny.
3-29-2003- 4-27-2010
BKA: "MAMA" Ritsa was imported by Cheryl Lantz in 2004. She was the matriarch of the whole RR family. She was a MBIMBS winner. In her two wonderful litters since 2006, she has given us some beautiful show babies. Ritsa was my best companion. She went everywhere with us. She would sit with me, talk to me. She knew right from left, she LOVED Green olives with mustard and went nuts over salads with lots of vinegar. She was always kind to everyone. She loved everyone. She was a big Russian girl and healthy at 110lbs. She was unique and one of a kind. We are all saddened by the loss of our Ritsa. She was diagnoses with progressive mass cell cancer. To prevent any further suffering, we took her to the vet and sent her over the rainbow bridge this day, April 27, 2010. She fell asleep on my lap as we said goodbye. We will miss our "MAMA". Our favorite Girl.
Kio was a calm sweet natured girl. She never gave us anything but love and a smile on her face. She loved everyone and was very sweet and affectionate. Kio was full of life. Loved to be a couch potato. She was a Best of Breed Winner. She was an excellent watch dog too. Kio was an exceptional loving mother. She will be missed greatly. Kio had 4 babies on July 18, 2010. The delivery went fine. She was fine, babies were fine. I had left a few hours and when I returned home, I went to check on mom and babies and to let Kio outside to potty and noticed right away that she was breathing very heavily and seemed disoriented. She was just absolutely fine a few hours before. Normal eating, etc. I immediately knew that I had to rush her to my vet. On the way to the vet which is about 10minutes from my home, Kio let out a scream and died instantly in the back seat. She left 4 orphan babies that we hand raised. Their names, are Hoover, Dyson, Eureka and Kirby. They were all bottle fed and were healthy fat little porkers. :) They all made it and were adopted to their new families. We immediately had an autopsy from our vet and in addition, we had her sent then to Texas A&M to have a necropsy to see what the cause of death was. Our vet said in the autopsy that she seemed to have fluid AROUND her heart and lungs. Everything seemed normal, bloodwork was normal, organs were fine. But said was strange to have the fluid around the heart and lungs. The Necropsy came back 10 days later from Texas A&M and it said that the cause of death was UNKNOWN. Well that was not sufficient enough for me. I wanted to know "WHAT THE CAUSE OF DEATH WAS". I recently discovered that since October 2008 about every 6 months, we have been treating our property with Spectracide. This stuff works great for ants, flea, flies, you name it. It says that it is safe for dogs as long as it is dry before they return to the area. Well after much investigation about this product. We found out through several people, tons of claims that this product has infact caused alot of seizures in dogs. In addition, one of the major side effects were fluid around the heart and lungs of dogs creating asthma, and causing death. When I found this out, I could not believe it!! I am NOT saying that this is in fact the cause of her death, but it is the only thing that makes sense. I wanted to post this on my site so that other dog owners would be aware of something that could potentially kill your dog from products that say that they are safe for dogs, when infact they are not and are only a contributor to their deaths. The number one side effect of this stuff is Seizures. It clearly states on the label that it is HAZARDOUS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. BUT THEN SAYS THAT IT IS SAFE WHEN DRIED. So, my conclusion is that not only do we parish for lack of knowledge, but so do our loved pets. Up until the end of 2008, I never used these chemicals on my property, but someone told me that it was a great product. DON'T USE IT if you have animals that play or lay where the area has been treated. So our beloved Kio is gone now. We will miss our Kio very much.
6-3-2004- 7-27-2010
12-25-2003 - 4-2-2011
Today is a sad day for us. We are grieving the loss of one of the most wonderful rhodesian ridgebacks of all time. Our Powell. He was imported from Germany, A National Grand Champion of Germany, Austria and the United States. Powell has been the #1 Rhodesian Ridgeback for 2010, 2009, 2008, #3 for 2007 and #2 for 2006. He has produced dozens of champion and grand champion children in Europe and the United States. Powell lived to travel. He loved the show ring. He was very obedient and was always happy tp perform to the best of his ability. He was addicted to me, his Mommy. He loved to be where I was at all times. We even took him to the movie theater with us. He would lay at our feet and never disturb any one. He loved everyone. He was a hugger and he was funny with his weird quirks like when he would speak and say "I WANT MY MOMMA". He would actually say that. When I imported him from Germany at 1 year old, he did not understand English, and after 2 days, he decided I was it, I was his new mommy. Powell and I had a deep bonded connection. On February 14, 2011 I took Powell into the vet to get him neutered. Since I had retired him from the show ring, I did not see any reason to leave him intact. He was nearly 100lbs. Within 6 weeks he had lost 12lbs, so this past Monday he was sleeping alot and he was still looking like he was losing weight and he felt hot so I took him in and left him there for a few days, having x-rays, bloodwork, you name it. His white bloodcell count was a record at over 149,000,00. It was clear that Powell had a kidney infection and was in Chronic Renal Failure. "kidney failure". The final pathology report came back 4-7-11 that Powell was diagnosed with a very RARE Leukemia, Lympoblastic and stage V lymphosarcoma and other rarer Leukemia's called: Myeloid and myelomonocytic Leukemia. Mild polychromasia to his anemia. NONE OF THESE ARE GENETIC. READ MORE HERE. Our vet believes that it could have been from the Spectricide that we had previously used on our property. Renal failure, seizures, asthma, cancer, sudden death and worse are all causes from using this product. Even though it says safe when dried. It reactivates to death when it gets wet. Powell came home 2 days ago from the vet and he was feeling pretty good, he was eating and was wagging his tail and had even gained 8 lbs at the vet in a few days. He had lost 8 lbs again since Thursday. The photo above was taken today before leaving for the vet to allow Powell no more suffering. The worst part of being a breeder is when this day comes. Powell fell alseep in my arms as we said goodbye and looked me in the eyes letting me know that he would be just fine and that he loved his mommy. He is being creamated and his ashes will be kept with us. He was the famous ' POWELLY POO POO WALLEY". We have his children and grand children and great grandchildren that he will live on in.
7-11-2007 - 3-6-2013
Today we say goodbye to our favorite girl! Annie-Bananny. Annie had the sweetest most loving personality. Annie has always been an outstanding loving mother. She gets very attached to her children. She has produced some superstars for us. She loved to talk to us by barking to let us know what she wanted. It her water bucket was empty, she would bark, if she wanted a cookie, she would bark. She loved everyone and she was a natural in the show ring. Annie had babies Feb 12, 2013. All was well. This morning Annie was lethargic and had very labored breathing. We rushed her to the vet and the vet could not figure out what was going on with her. Within 30 minutes of us arriving to the vet, Annie had passed away. After she died, we had an ultra-sound done of her chest and stomach. It showed that she had a lodged puppy that had decayed very high up under the rib cage at the top of the horn. This is why Annie never contracted further after her babies were born. This is not common at all. It is a freak thing that this happened. Septicemia set in which is toxic and this is why she died. It came on so fast. All of the babies are healthy and doing fine. They are 22 days old and we are supplementing them.
4-2-2005 - 3-21-2014
Africqua was the matriarch of the girls. She was everyone's friend. She was regal, kind, loving, always smiling and loved her children. Loved and Adored is an understatement. She played with all of her children even as adults. Africqua was a fantastic surrogate mommy for other mommy's that had trouble. Even when she would not lactate, she would still lay with the other mother's babies and watch over them. She passed away suddenly from her 3rd gastric torsion. She previously on both occasions had surgery and the vets assured us that the surgery was done correctly as to not have her stomach flip again.
She passed away at the vet, 1 week before her 9th birthday. We had her creamated and also have a cast of her paw print to remember her. We will miss her dearly.
3-30-2004 - 6-15-2013
Duke was a loving GENTLE GIANT!! he never met a stranger. He would love to adventure off to visit the folks in the neighborhood. He was a conversation piece everywhere that he went. he loved the show ring and loved to stand for his examination. He was kind and loved children. He was an exceptional friend and a loving companion. He loved living in Utah with his big family. He was the perfect couch potato and was calm and cool. Duke was diagnosed with prostate cancer and passed away on June 15, 2013. His father was Lionhounds Prince Duke of Serengeti and his mother was CH Lionhounds Spicer's Brandywine.
3-23-03 - 12-22-2014
Today, we lose our best friend Simbu. He fell asleep on his bed and peacefully passed away with no pain or fear. He was absolutely magnificent in every way. He was funny, kind and never met a person who he did not like or love. He has given us 19 glorious champion and grand champion children. We can't image life without his smile, his hugs and his undying unconditional love. There are no words to describe how special and unique he was to us and to the world. He was an angel from heaven that we had the pleasure of loving his entire life. 12 years was a good age. He had a full life of fun and was the life of the party. He rang the doorbell, there was no door he could not open and he absolutely was the best baby sitter to our RR babies. He was a house trainer and a mentor to the young ones and took full charge to raise young ones to adulthood including Baltazar, his BEST friend.
9-16-12 - 10-13-2015
Minik was imported from Slovakia. He was the sweetest RR that we have ever imported. He was always happy, loved to play. He unexpectedly passed away this evening on October 13, 2015. We are devastated! Min Min was such a lover. He loved puppies and would love to entertain himself with toys or anything he could get his hands on. He was a fantastic stud dog and produced sound, correct beautifully ridged puppies. I just can't believe that he is gone!!
5-13-2007 - 1-8-2018
1-18-2010 - 4-16-2018